Niu Siyu, a primary school student, performs an Indian dance for the elderly at a seniors' apartment in Xuchang, Henan province, on Oct 8, 2016. Niu Yuan / For China Daily
"We are mostly focusing on the wealthy class," Dessajan says.
"Based on our expertise of senior care services in France, especially with taking care of elderly people with Alzheimer's or other cognitive dysfunctions, semi-dependent and dependent elderly people are our main service targets."
Each resident will have a room and a customized daily program based on experience, habits, tastes and health condition, with a nursing service always on hand.
Innovative health and care programs will be provided to help improve the residents' mental and physical condition, combining medical treatment, nondrug therapy, occupational therapy, the Montessori method and an adapted nutritional diet.
"As Alzheimer's experts, we work step-by-step with the elderly and their families to understand and diagnose the disease in order to accompany the elderly in the best way until the final stage of life," he says.
"As there is not yet a pension institution in Guangzhou that can provide some particular services for Alzheimer's, when we talk about our project and expertise lots of people have shown interest," Dessajan says.
Guangzhou has seen a sharp increase in demand for senior care services, with the proportion of elderly in its population continuing to grow, says Ye Fen, director of the social welfare division of the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau.
The number of seniors in its population currently stands at 1.48 million - or 17.3 percent of the total population of the city - including 238,000 above the age of 80 and 268,000 people in families with only seniors.
Ye says the senior population in Guangzhou is expected to surpass 1.85 million by 2020, creating growing demand in the elderly care service market.
About 59,000 beds are provided in Guangzhou currently, averaging 40 for every 1,000 elderly people.
Last month, a new nursing home complex was opened in Luogang district, which offers 1,300 beds.